The aim of the implementation, which we undertook for a company dealing with the construction of agricultural machinery, was improvement of the organization of work, reduction of labour costs and increase efficiency. For this purpose, we have implemented both: Workforce Management and Labour Management System. Our system covers 25 employees.
In addition to the main objectives of the project, the implementation brought additional benefits that even we ourselves ? did not foresee. You can read about it in our article.
Reduction of labour costs - savings that can be seen
First of all, of course, finances!
Such results are achieved thanks to the improvement of work organization, which in turn translates into an increase in production capacity. And the following factors contribute to this:
- increased employee self
- control of punctuality and use of breaks
- increased efficiency through performance data
- elimination of the need to hire new employees
- reduction of the need to work overtime
These are the first, natural effects of the introduction of our system for monitoring the working time and performance of employees, the so-called low hanging fruits.
It quickly turned out that the financial benefits in the form of savings are not the only positive effects of the implementation.
Automation of the time and attendance process
Another benefit and the declared effect of the implementation is the streamlining and automation of the processes of registration and settlement of working time. This, of course, translates into improved work and measurable relief of the back-office team in this HR process, and in the long run, further savings for the company.
Reduction of labour costs,
automation of processes and ....
And our announced icing on the cake, i.e. an additional positive effect of the implementation.
Working with the system, in addition to the financial benefits described above, improved production and personnel processes, provided the superiors with information about ...... the need for additional training.
The activity recording module, in addition to data on the time of all activities performed, gave the company the ability to record information about which employee was responsible for the execution of a specific part of the machine.
We are proud of the fact that we help entrepreneurs optimize their processes, which in turn translates into measurable savings and improved work organization.
You can read more about how the data obtained from Time Harmony translates into the optimization of production processes here.
Optimize working time and efficiency of your team