Traditional methods of recording working time, such as manually filled attendance lists, are slowly becoming a thing of the past. There are many electronic time and attendance systems available on the market that automate the process of monitoring working hours, bringing a number of additional benefits affecting the efficiency, productivity and transparency of procedures related to this HR process.
Time Harmony is an advanced, Time & Attendance online system that comprehensively addresses all areas related to recording working time, from the registration process through planning to the settlement of hours worked.
Let's take a closer look at the individual functionalities of the Time Harmony system:
1. Attendance registration
The advantage of online Time & Attendance systems over traditional forms of working time records is, among other things, the possibility of eliminating paperwork. Employees do not have to enter manually on a paper list, and instead receive flexible forms of registration. On the other hand, the system guarantees the reliability of data, preventing possible inconsistencies or distortions in the declared time of start and end of work.
At Time Harmony, we provide 6 methods of recording employee attendance:
- registration with RFID cards. This is the most frequently chosen form of registration, in which employees register the time of arrival and departure from work using an RFID card. For registration purposes, customers usually choose the device we offer, which is already configured and delivered to the customer's location.
Our device can be installed in any place convenient for employees, it does not require complicated assembly. All you need for installation is access to a power outlet and the Internet (WiFi or link). Since the system is made available from the level of a web browser, it can be successfully installed on the customer's tablets. In this case, the simple software installation process remains on the Client's side, with the support of our team.
Time Harmony can be integrated into a turnstile system. Entering and leaving work as well as leaving and returning from a break will be automatically registered in the system without the need to additionally stamp the card on the device.
- registration with a PIN. If the employee does not have an RFID card with him/her, it is possible to register with a personal PIN code, which the employee enters into the application on the device, thus recording the time of his/her arrival or departure from work.
- QR code readers. Our system allows you to register using a QR code. Registration with this method is equally fast and is available on the devices we offer, thanks to the fact that they have a built-in camera as standard.
- mobile application on personal devices. Employees can also record their time on their personal devices using a downloadable Android app from Google Play.
- registration using a barcode. This is a solution for companies that do not want to invest in the purchase or rental of access devices. The panel that registers input/exit is available from the browser level. This means that there is no need to install the system on your computer and log in. With the help of a scanner, the employee reads his individual barcode and declares entering or leaving work.
- personal employee panel on a stationary device. This enrollment method works well for office workers who work from a computer. The registration panel is available from the level of a web browser, allowing employees to register the start or end of work.
2. Online attendance list
Based on the recorded data on the time of arrival, the system generates online attendance lists and presents data on the current staff in the form of dashboards.
The start screen of the T&A module in Time Harmony provides information such as:
- list of employees present at work in comparison with the exact time of registered arrival at work and in relation to the planned schedule
- number of employees on break
- information on the number of employees absent from work broken down into excused absences along with data on the reason for absences
- information on the number of unexcused absences
- planned staffing 24 hours in advance
3. Create schedules
The online T&A system such as Time Harmony allows you to quickly and efficiently plan the work of your team. The system will calculate the number of working hours in a given settlement period and take into account planned holidays and holidays. The administrator is responsible for marking the day off for the 5-day working week adopted in the organization and marking whether Sunday is a non-working day.
Time Harmony will automatically check the compliance of the schedule with the Labor Law and notify you of any non-compliance, such as:
- improperly planned number of hours within a settlement period
- the need to schedule every 4 free Sundays
- no 35-hour weekly rest
- no 11-hour daily rest
4. Settlement of working time
Working time settlement is another powerful functionality that contributes to the improvement and automation of HR processes, and additionally ensures the reliability of settlements by eliminating possible errors in the settlement of time worked.
The system provides the data needed to calculate remuneration , taking into account overtime and night working hours. Data on the time worked is sent to the HR and payroll program via an automatic interface. You can also download them manually and upload them yourself to the salary calculation program.
Time Harmony allows you to round and smooth working time. Rounding working time is a system setting that allows the administrator to define the number of minutes that will be rounded to the full 5, 10, 15 minutes. Smoothing working time is the time with adopted time margins for coming, leaving, or being late for work.
The system allows you to set a paid break in a system in accordance with the adopted company policy. In such a case, the paid break is included in the employee's working time, but it is separated and visible in the statements.
Time Harmony also gives you the ability to define what time night hours and holidays start.
5. Overtime settlement
Time Harmony gives you the opportunity to comprehensively settle overtime work. The system calculates the number of overtime hours by assigning them an appropriate allowance of +50% or +100% in accordance with the applicable regulations. The system also provides the possibility of settling overtime at the request of the employee or employer. You can read more about overtime settlement in our article.
6. Time and Attendance Reports
Time Harmony is an online solution, so the collected data on working time is always at hand, available from any device, anywhere and anytime. As a standard, we offer the following reports:
- employee's working time – data on entering and leaving work on a given day/period, along with a summary of the working time worked, information on overtime, absences and night work
- use of absenteeism – historical data on employee absences, including used leaves, available leave limits and other types of absences collected in one place
- attendance list – data on employee attendance can be monitored on an ongoing basis on online system dashboards or a report with a summary of information for a given period can be generated. The data can be filtered by different categories: location, department, position. If necessary, the report can include data of archival employees.
7. Planning of settlement periods
Time Harmony gives you the opportunity to plan and settle working time in accordance with the length of the settlement period adopted in the organization. Due to the specificity of the activity in a given company, a 1-month, 3-month or even annual settlement period may be used. Our system allows you to create schedules and calculate working time including overtime, in accordance with the applicable labor law regulations for each type of settlement periods. Moreover, if necessary, the length of billing periods may vary depending on the department or location. For example, for warehouse employees, we can set a 3-month settlement period, and for administrative employees 1-month.
8. Handling requests
Time Harmony also provides full support for employee requests. The system allows you to issue a leave request, a childcare request and a request for any other type of limited absenteeism. The available reports provide information on the holidays used and the available leave limits. A summary of all parameters about working time, including all types of absences, is available in one view in the system.
9. Remote Work Registration
With Time Harmony, it is also possible to record remote work. It is worth remembering that allowing employees to work remotely does not release the employer from the obligation to keep records of working time. Time Harmony is a system available from a web browser, in which the employee can log in to the employee's personal panel to register the start and end of work from any place where they perform their work remotely.
10. Integrations
The open interface of the Time Harmony system allows for integration with the most popular HR and payroll programs on the Polish market, such as Unit4 Teta, Optima, Enova, SAP ERP. The list of integrations is open, integration with another system can be planned as part of the implementation work.

Easily manage your company's working time
Time Harmony online Time & Attendance system - summary
Time Harmony is a system that fully addresses the needs of entrepreneurs in the field of automation and improvement of the process of recording and settling working time.
In addition, Time Harmony is equipped with a module that allows you to measure the time of performing activities and the efficiency of employees . This is a huge functionality that allows you to understand how working time is used in the company, how efficiently employees work and which processes should be optimized.
The set of functionalities described above does not close the catalogue of facilities and solutions related to employee management available in the system. The system is a tool for monitoring and managing employee leaves, it gives the opportunity to keep employee files in which the dates of mandatory medical examinations, trainings or employee competences and authorizations (e.g. authorizations to drive forklifts or work at heights) are written off, and finally, it is a tool that facilitates employee assessment thanks to data on the use of working time and productivity.
All this makes Time Harmony not only an online T&A system, but also a powerful, comprehensive tool for monitoring, managing and optimizing processes related to working time.