Automatic settlement of working time

With Time Harmony, you get a full settlement of working time of your employees. Automate processes and gain full control over personnel management. Find out how we can increase the efficiency of your company.

Automate the process of settlement of working time

The system calculates the registered and worked time of your employees, providing data on the implementation of the schedule, overtime worked or possible shortages and absences.

Send data about working time via the interface

Save time and resources. A complete set of data on the working time can be sent via the interface to the HR and payroll system or downloaded manually from the system. Ready-made components for calculating an employee's salary are a great time saver and real support for the HR department.

Gain confidence in compliance with Labor Law

Eliminate errors in the settlement of working time. The system will provide a precise settlement of daily overtime with the addition of +50% and +100%, calculate average weekly hours, night hours and absences.

You can find a summary of all operating time parameters in one view

You will find a summary of all parameters related to the settlement of the employee's working time, contract parameters, settlement period, salary allowances in one view, gaining quick insight into the data and the possibility of efficient control and planning.

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See what functionalities our system has
that are useful for settlement of working time