Time recording and measuring activities in warehouse


Employee working time, activities performed and work efficiency are key indicators of operational efficiency in a warehouse. Usually, to collect a complete set of data on the team's work, you need many systems and analysis of numerous reports and databases.

Time recording and measuring activities in a single tool provides complete workflow data, eliminating the need to browse through multiple databases.

Time Harmony is a full-scale time and attendance (T&A) system with the functionality of recording, planning and full settlement of working time, supplemented with a module for measuring activities and performance.


time recording and measuring activities

Thanks to this holistic view of the employee's working time, the system provides complete knowledge about the work process from the moment they come to work, through all activities performed during the day, including the calculation of productivity, to leaving work. This detailed knowledge contributes to the improvement of HR processes and warehouse operations.

In addition, the combination of the functionalities of both modules makes it possible to identify unproductive idle time, leading to the elimination of waste and increased added value of services in accordance with lean management principles.

Idle time information

In addition to the time spent on process activities recorded in the warehouse system, a significant part of the total working time is unproductive idle time. This is the period during which the employee does not perform activities that translate into an increase in the added value of the final product or service.

One area where idle time is generated is the time between coming to work or returning from a break and taking the first activity. In the pursuit of process optimization, it is worth looking at such time units, measuring and evaluating them, in order to strive to reduce or eliminate them as part of optimization activities.
time recording and measuring activities

Automation thanks to the interaction of both modules

In the work on the development of the Time Harmony functionality, it was crucial to automate the processes of recording working time and activities as much as possible. Both modules are designed to interact with each other and influence each other, which reduces the number of interactions between the employee and the terminal, while recording as much data as possible.

Automatic opening or closing of the employee's card when passing through the turnstile, calculating the idle time between passing through the gate and the start of the first scanner activity or out-of-system activity are selected examples of automatic interactions between the two modules.

An example of a link between the T&A module and the Activity Records module:

  • Passing the employee through the turnstile automatically opens the work card with the preparation for work activity.
  • Taking the first scanner activity or registering it on the terminal automatically completes the preparation for work activity and calculates the idle time.
  • Passing through a turnstile during a scheduled working day automatically generates a break activity.
  • The time between passing through the turnstile after returning from a break and taking the first action is automatically recorded in the system again as a preparation for work activity and counted as idle time.
  • Passing through the gate at a time close to the scheduled end of the working day automatically closes the employee's work card for the day.

Time recording and measuring activities in one tool

There are many working time recording systems available on the market. What distinguishes Time Harmony is a comprehensive view of all aspects of working time during an employee's working day. Recording, planning and settlement of working time, supplemented with current data on the activities performed and performance, is a unique solution on our market. People managing the work of teams gain a system that collects data on every aspect related to working time.

Centralised data, which is transferred to the system via an interface from numerous warehouse systems and recorded on Time Harmony devices, provides a complete picture of working time. System dashboards and extensive reports allow for detailed analysis of the collected data.

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Thanks to the available integrations, the data recorded by Time Harmony is sent to HR and payroll systems to calculate the remuneration due. Data on the activities performed and the performance of employees can be sent to the PowerBi system for analysis of the collected data. The system also has rich reporting features, which enables detailed analyses and better operational decisions.

Data Analytics and strategic benefits

Time Harmony allows for advanced analysis of the collected data, which brings a number of strategic benefits to the company. The ability to track performance in real time and analyze historical data allows managers to better plan and forecast future staffing and logistics needs. Identifying trends in labor performance and detecting seasonal patterns can lead to more efficient resource management and better preparation for busy periods. With detailed reports and analytics, companies can also optimize their operational processes, implement best practices, and eliminate waste. Using data from Time Harmony also supports decisions about investments in automation and new technologies, allowing you to allocate your budget and resources more consciously. Integration with other systems, such as HR payroll and analytics, further increases the value of the collected data, enabling the creation of comprehensive strategies for managing warehouse operations.


Optimize working time and efficiency of your team



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