T&A terminals

Get to know our time and attendance tracker and get rid of paper attendance lists. You can use the system on devices that we deliver already configured and ready to go.

You can also successfully use your own tablets and smartphones. All you have to do is download and install our free app on them and the system is ready to go!


Time and attendance recorder for RFID cards

The most frequently chosen form of registration by customers. The devices we offer are easy to install and support all types of RFID cards. All you need for installation is access to a power outlet and the Internet (WiFi or link). Since the system is made available from the level of a web browser, it can be successfully installed on the customer's tablets.


Time and attendance recorder - PIN code

If the employee does not have an RFID card with him/her, it is possible to register with a personal PIN code, which the employee enters into the application on the device, thus recording the time of his/her arrival or departure from work.


Time and attendance recorder - QR code 

Time Harmony allows registration using a QR code. Registration with this method is quick and is available on the devices we offer, thanks to the fact that they have a built-in camera as standard. An individual QR code is generated for each employee and can be shared with the employee as a printout, as a sticker or in the employee's personal app MyTimeHarmony.


Time and attendance recorder in a smartphone

Employees can also record their time on personal devices using a downloadable Android app from Google Play. In this way, any smartphone or tablet running under the Android operating system can become a time and attendance recorder.


Time and attendance recorder - barcode

This is a solution for companies that do not want to invest in the purchase or rental of access devices. The panel that registers enter/exit is available from the browser level. There is no need to install the system on the computer and log in, just go to a dedicated website. With the help of a scanner, the employee reads his individual barcode and declares entering or leaving work.


Time and attendance recorder - employee panel

This method of registration is great for office employees who work with the help of a computer. The registration panel is available from a web browser, allowing employees to register the start and end of work.


Time Harmony time & attendance recorder means modernity and freedom of configuration

Rime Harmony - czytniki RCP

You can freely configure the events that your employees record. This will allow you to mark coming to work, going on a break, going out for business or going home. The reports available in the system will show detailed information on the time of individual events.

Time Harmony - czytniki RCP

You can install Time Harmony on your own devices. All you have to do is download the free app in the Google Play Store. Thanks to this, you can turn any smartphone or tablet into your working time recorder.

Time Harmony - czytniki RCP

Time Harmony integrated with the turnstile system is another option that will further streamline and simplify the time and attendance process. Just passing through the turnstile will automatically register entry or exit from work.

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions related to T&A terminals:

Find answers

T&A readers are an element of the system for recording working time. Time and attendance recorder - as an alternative to paper attendance lists is used to electronically record the time of arrival and departure from work. The recorded working time data is stored in the system and available in the form of reports as well as online to monitor current attendance, including the length and frequency of breaks.

T&A readers used in the Time Harmony system have the following parameters:
- 10' touch screen - possibility to record time using a PIN code or QR code
- works with UNIQUE, HID and MIFARE RFID cards
- based on Android operating system
- communication with WiFi, GSM, LAN
- built-in camera
- connected to the power supply
- equipped with physical ports communicating with external devices, e.g. turnstiles,
- 4GB of memory allows you to save a large amount of data off-line, eliminating the risk of data loss when you are not connected to the Internet

Time Harmony devices can be purchased or rented for the duration of the contract. The devices ordered or rented from us are configured and ready for operation.

In the event of a power failure, the device does not need to be reconfigured once it is restored.

System updates are uploaded remotely and are available for self-download on devices.

The installation of the devices is simple and does not require pricking the walls. Internet and electricity are required (for security reasons, we do not provide battery-powered devices).

Time Harmony readers can be connected to a turnstile system to further automate the process of recording events such as coming to work, leaving for a break or leaving work. Passing through the turnstile generates an automatic entry into the system.

The provisions of the Polish Labour Code do not directly mention the obligation to keep an attendance list, but they indicate (Article 104 §1) that the presence of employees in the workplace should be confirmed.

Every employer is obliged to keep records of working time in order to calculate remuneration. Recording the hours of work is the basis for the correct preparation of the wCzy dane rejestrowane przez czytniki RCP są wysyłane bezpośrednio do systemu kadrowo-płacowego? ork time records. Read more about the rules for keeping records of working time.

Working time data recorded by Time Harmony T&A readers are sent to the Time Harmony system and available online or in the form of reports. Then, depending on the Client's preferences, data on working time, overtime or absences can be sent to the HR and payroll system with any frequency, e.g. daily, once a week or after the end of the settlement period.